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Weight Loss & Body Sculpting

Gray Sportswear

Targeted weight-loss solutions

Annie’s Beauty Clinic is run by very normal women who have been on their own weight-loss journey and who want to guide and offer you support as you embark on yours. 


We know that sometimes you just need a little helping hand to get the ball rolling towards your optimal health, aesthetic and fitness goals. Our weight-loss and body sculpting solutions have already provided real results to us and our clients and we can do the same for you.

We often advise a combination of treatments, depending on whether you are looking to achieve overall weight-loss, more targeted fat-loss and body-sculpting, or correct classic signs of ageing. 


Our range of solutions including injections, cavitation and radio-frequency can be tailored to your needs as your body changes. Simply book a free consultation or browse and book one of our treatments to get started on your weight-loss journey today.

Feel great, inside and out!

Your wellness journey does not stop there. We offer a range of wellness-boosting injections including Vitamins C, D & B12, hay fever treatment, biotin and skin-boosting injections so you can start feeling great from the inside, boost your immune system and improve the quality of your hair skin and nails.

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